In our practice for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and naturopathy, you as a patient are the focus. That is why we offer a wide range of different treatment methods in order to be able to respond individually to your health and needs.
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese healing method in which fine needles are placed at specific points on the body to regulate the flow of energy in the body. By stimulating these acupuncture points, blockages can be released and the body's own self-healing powers can be activated. The way it works is based on the idea that there are energy flows in the body, known as meridians, which are responsible for physical and mental balance. Acupuncture can be used for a variety of complaints such as pain, stress, burnout, tinnitus, sleep disorders and digestive problems and has proven to be an effective form of therapy. Acupuncture is suitable for all age groups and offers a wide range of possible applications.
Neural therapy is based on the assumption that disorders in the autonomic nervous system can lead to a variety of complaints. By injecting procaine at specific points on the body, the autonomic nervous system is brought back into balance. This leads to pain relief, muscle relaxation and a general improvement in well-being.
In this form of therapy, leeches are placed on the patient's skin in order to extract a small amount of blood with their bite. At the same time, the leeches release special active substances that have anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving and circulation-stimulating effects. The effectiveness of leech therapy is based on the knowledge that the saliva of the leeches contains a variety of bioactive substances that can have a therapeutic effect on the human organism. Through the bite of the leeches, these active substances are released specifically into the affected areas of the body. Leech therapy is used primarily for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, chronic pain and circulatory disorders.
Foot reflexology is a holistic healing method based on zone therapy, similar to the meridian theory in acupuncture. Through targeted massage and pressure on certain reflex zones on the feet, blockages can be released and the body's own self-healing powers activated. The way foot reflexology works is based on the assumption that the body's organs, muscles and glands are reflected in the form of reflex zones on the feet. By stimulating these reflex zones, energy blockages can be released and the body's natural healing processes can be stimulated.
A balanced diet is the foundation for a healthy life. But even with a conscious diet, micronutrient deficiencies can occur. Using a blood analysis, we can precisely determine your individual requirements for vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Based on these results, we can specifically close gaps and thus strengthen your immune system, increase your energy and improve your general well-being.
Phytotherapy, also known as herbal medicine or plant medicine, is a traditional healing method based on the use of plants and herbal ingredients to treat diseases and promote general well-being. The effectiveness of many herbal remedies has been known for centuries and is used in various cultures around the world.
The scientific basis of phytotherapy is based on research into the active ingredients and mechanisms of action of medicinal plants. Numerous studies have shown that many plants contain bioactive substances that can have a therapeutic effect on the human organism. Modern phytotherapy is therefore based not only on traditional empirical knowledge, but also on scientific findings about the ingredients, dosages and areas of application of medicinal plants.